Hellos. Welcome new members~ of First-VUS.
I'd write out the whole list then. :X
Master:--VUS--MEOWx (Last seen 15.12)
Jr. Master:--VUS--QWERT (Last seen 19.12)
Jr. Master:--VUS--x3Him (Last seen 19.12)
Jr. Master:sepheroth (Last seen 19.12)
Member:--1st_Silver (Last seen 19.12)
Member:----BOIx (Last seen 14.12)
Member:--VUS--x3Her (Last seen 19.12)
Member:--xMay (Last seen 19.12)
Member:-x3Tenshi- (Last seen 19.12)
Member:BabyBlack (Last seen 19.12)
Member:BabyestherXD (Last seen 15.12 Quited?)
Member:BebeGuyz (Last seen 19.12)
Member:DaRkBoilxx65 (Last seen 19.12)
Member:ImLolayay (Last seen 15.12)
Member:JOnathan (Last seen 18.12)
Member:LuveMi (Last seen 19.12)
Member:MICHELLE (LAst seen 19.12)
Member:QiAnG (Last seen 15.12)
Member:ShArMiNeTeO (Last seen 19.12)
Member:kimichiGIRL (Last seen 19.12)
Member:xHOT (Last seen 19.12)
Member:xXxSaSuK3xXx (Last seen 19.12)
Member:xahHUI (Last seen 19.12)
Member:xiaolollipop93 (Last seen 17.12)
Member:~xSlurpee~ (Last seen 19.12)
Members Count: 30/30 in total (updated on 19.12)
The rest I'm not sure when they were online or I didn't see them on, so please clarify, andpeople, would you please take attendance, thank you.
And there is new recruitment rules, Be My Lover 135 bpm, CC4.
Stiffys to Clubber(Level 1-20), it will be 1 million score.
Amateurs(Level 21-25), it will be 1.5 million score.
Back ups(Level 26-30), it will be 2 million score.
Main(Level 31 and above), it will be 2.5 million score.
There are new testers, and they're BabyBlack and JOnathan. :D Please do help us get more active people. And take note of the new recruitment test requirements ;D
p/s:Please give a tag saying you've read this post. ;x